Friday, April 15, 2011

Snack Attack Report 3 and 4

You would think being sick in bed would be the perfect time to blog.  Strangely, I haven't felt like blogging or being on the computer at all for over a week.  I barely watched television.  I slept when I could and read quite a bit (as well as exercising my brain with several Sudoku puzzles).  Reading and rest are  luxuries I'm not afforded very often.  Maybe that will be "my thing" to be passionate about (referring to a previous post about passions and hobbies).

I haven't been diligent about keeping track and restocking the snack boxes during my sick time.  I notice my 5 yo shares with everybody without even being asked which is so different than my oldest (see photo below).  My daughter is eating more of her Halloween candy than before (she used to forget about it).

Before getting sick I restocked with:

5 yo
Slim Jims
Fruit snacks­­­­
Fig Bars
Fruit leather

10 yo
Dark Choc M&Ms
Better quality fruit leather than last week

11 yo
8 Pop Tarts (UGH!  I KNOW!!!)
BBQ Kettle baked potato chips (I don't know if baked is that much better than fried)
Fruit leather

This week, they all asked for pop tarts and granola bars (I did introduce organic alternatives).

It's been about a month.  I'd like to continue a version of the snack boxes similar to what I did for the second week:  have one of their favorite play foods mixed in with real-food snacks like a favorite nut, dried fruit, granola bar, beef jerky.  I will continue to serve fruit and/or veggies after-school-snacks.

"Thomas's Pepsi Not everybody's!
Do NOT touch !!!!"
Yeah, a little possessive.

I haven't spoken to DH about continuing the snack box idea.  He was against it but said he'd give me a month.  Ironically, though, he brought home a six-pack of Pepsi (short cans) for our 11 yo.  DH bought himself a liter of Squirt.  I.don'  He'll say our son only had 3 and was made to share the rest with his play dates and brother and sister.  I'm not comfortable with a soda stash in the house.  Maybe it should be included in the true sense of the experiment, but I can't bring myself to include it.

It's a gorgeous spring day today.  Time to walk amongst the living.  (whiff)  Are those pop-tarts I smell?


  1. I just saw a print ad for Poptart chips!

  2. If you can smell a Pop Tart then you must be feeling better!

    If soda is to be added to the experiment, then maybe a juicer is in order so you and the kids can experiment with making your own healthier beverage concoctions.

  3. I love a good brown sugar poptart. I don't think they can be any worse than those meat sticks. ;-)

  4. I have a link to share (if you have any leftover money for snacks)
    They have some pretty good offerings including those meat things. ;-)
