Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Done with March

March was...a blur.  Each kid (3) missed a week of school at some point while home sick.  Husband's heel was broken (still is).  I felt like I was back working in the animal hospital with my charts for all my patients.   Last week was the first week that all kids were in school.

One of the scariest moments was when my 12 y.o. son had pneumonia.  Doctors almost admitted him into the hospital when he threw up his meds.  But, fortunately he was able to keep things down, again, and stay home.   At one point he was on 7 different medications including the nebulizer.  It was hard to see my little guy struggling.

Miracle:  I didn't get sick.  Somehow I avoided their viruses/infection.  Here I am being coughed on while trying to remove encrusted goop from their eyes (yeah, two of them developed bacterial pink eye), sleep deprived, and trying to keep the rest of the house going (including birthday celebrations and making a costume for daughter's dance recital), yet I didn't get sick.  I attribute part of that good fortune to the 4-5 weeks in February when I was regularly exercising and eating better.  It's like I was in training for what was coming in March.

I wasn't able to keep up the exercise routine nor logging calories during March, though.  Now that everyone is on the mend, I can feel myself starting to spiral down if I don't take care of me soon.
Remember this photo?
Not happening.
Except at 4:30 a.m.
Kids are on Spring break.  We've been busy trying to make this house look healthy, again.  (11 y.o. daughter isn't so happy that her Spring break isn't much of a break - LOL).  The to-do list never ends.  But, it's Spring, and I'm happy April is here.


  1. Here is a cute For Better of For Worse cartoon strip I wanted to post. I could only get the link.
    The mom is taking care of sick son.

  2. I'm glad you didn't get sick! Keep taking care of yourself! (and OW! to the broken heel of your husband? How did he manage that?)

    1. Danny and Thomas take a martial arts class together. It was sparring day where they put padded gear on and kick and punch each other. Danny was doing a round-house kick on a guy twice his size. The guy was too zealous in the block and didn't just block the kick but punched the side of Danny's foot, which wasn't padded. Danny heard a pop, and the guy said, "That felt good!" (The guy happens to be mentally challenged and is taking the course for exercise and anger management. Danny had always been so nice to him, talking with him and giving him rides home -- it was nothing personal, just lack of control).

      The scary part is, just moments before, Thomas (12 and a 1/3 his size) was sparing him, too. No more.

    2. Wow, that's too close to your kiddo for comfort! Yeek!

  3. Yeah, how DID he manage that?? And I love the modern woman thing... you can't help but wonder what you'd pick, eh? ;)

    1. Sad part is, I'm not proficient at any of those things! LOL I don't know what two I'd pick because they are all connected.

  4. I love that list at the bottom - so true!!

    Glad everyone is on the mend (except for Danny - ouch!!). I like what you said about February being training for March. That's a great way to look at exercise - it's training for the hard times.

    Keep the good work Gina - YOU ARE AWESOME!!! :)

  5. Wow, you've given March Madness a whole new definition! Glad things are on the upswing!

  6. This past week, I had to work most of my waking minutes. Now, I've got a little extra time, so I'm planning out how I'm going to get back into the Good routine starting next week. It Shall Be Done.
    We've both put too much time and effort into remaking ourselves to stop now :)
