Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Self-Portraits 9-11

Feb. 12a
For better or for worse, this is me making an effort.
I can't believe it's Sunday, again.
Feb. 12b
Trying a more flattering angle -- up higher.  I'm also
sticking out my chin to smooth out the double.
Don't I look hopeful?

Feb. 13
My favorite place to be.  When I was a kid having a
bad day at school, I'd mentally go to my "happy place"
which was my bed.  I'd say to myself, "This will all be
over, and tonight I'll be in bed with my pillow and
blanket and cool sheets."

Feb. 14
My almost all-time high.  (227 was my highest during
the past several weeks).  I'm 5' 8" - medium frame.
I'd like to be somewhere between 140 and 150.


  1. LOL - The title is supposed to mean portraits number 9, 10, and 11. I hope it doesn't come across as a portrait emergency.

  2. You look so pretty!!!

    Oh there have been many days that I thought, "if I can just make it through the next 16 hours, I will back in my bed and I can forget all about today!!" I love my bed. It's kind of embarrassing how many times I have thanked God for bed time!!

    1. That's funny, but so true for me, too! I bet most people are thankful for our beds. If I were stranded on a desert island and can only take one thing besides food and water, it would be my bed -- with reflective blankets to signal help -- and a canopy for rainy days. Okay, I'll stop now :)

  3. I agree, you look so pretty!!! For me, my bed was safety too. I knew no matter how bad things got, that little nest was there, and everything was ok. A good day would be no different from a bad one at that point, all warm and snug in my bed! :)

    1. Thanks, Kyra. It's amazing what a little mascara, eyebrow liner, and the right angle can do. Would it look weird if I walked around like that?
