Saturday, March 20, 2010

Looking for Something?

Some have asked where the posts "When Your Husband Calls You Fat" and "Torrid Affair" have gone. I have removed them, although they and the helpful comments have been saved.

"When Your Husband Calls You Fat" was written by me. I shared some hurtful moments in my marriage regarding the fights my husband and I would have over my weight and eating habits. It was a process of learning and growing for both of us these last 14+ years.

"Torrid Affair" was written by Danny, my DH. He shares a bit of his perspective as a husband watching his wife change and have this bizarre relationship to food, an affair with food, rather. His best friend helped him put things in perspective.

We were both surprised how telling our tale stirred up hurt feelings. So, I removed them (my idea). It felt like the right thing to do at the time so as not to hurt anyone further.

Neither one of us understood what was happening to me all of these years, and it may be happening to others. We both initially wrote the articles thinking they may help someone. We hoped our experience and what we were learning so far could be useful. Maybe I could write a revision of it that doesn't air out so much dirty laundry. Not sure.

I am so thankful for you, fellow bloggers, and your comments. This journey has many twists and turns and sometimes detours. It's good to know we are not alone.


  1. Hugs to you, Gina! And..yes..I use a sinus rinse! :) finally on the mend. Phew. How are the workouts going?

  2. I thought those posts were very honest and brave. I think it was a good decision to remove them if that's what makes you comfortable. Sometimes blogging gets very personal, which isn't a bad thing, but it's good to be in control of what's on your blog.

    Keep strong Gina!

  3. I agree with Diane, they were very honest and brave. I'm glad you shared them. I too have posted before and then removed it for varying reasons. I'm just glad I got to read them. :)

  4. I really related with those posts .. especially yours .. a large part of what got me to the weight I am today (or rather, was about 8 months ago) was my parents' constant comments about my weight and having to watch my weight ! Even though, at the time of the comments, I was only 160 lbs (at a height of 5'8", that's not bad !).

  5. Thank you, ladies. And, Simo, that's my goal weight, and I'm 5'8". I'm sorry about your parents and the role they played. For whatever reason we got to where we are, we can get ourselves out. It's hard to erase those the words in our heads (I know!), but we can overrule them with our own empowering words.

  6. I am amazed at the courage of people who put up posts that are as honest and personal as that. I hadn't finished reading the first one before you took it down. I kept reading a few sentences and then going away to ponder, then coming back and reading a few more. It was good stuff, by which I mean it was honest and thought provoking, but I can understand your wanting to keep it personal.
    And I hope writing these things out did help clear the air!
