Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 Weeks Binge-Free, "Eating for Your Soul" Class and Quick Story

The larger beads represent two weeks without a binge.

I've been zig-zagging between several interests and priorities. Recently, I've been enjoying trying out new veggie recipes and posting about that on my other blog, "What Am I Supposed To Do With That?" I think my kids like being the panel of judges as they taste-test new things.

Last night I was invited by a friend and neighbor to a new class, "Eating for Your Soul," presented by Jarah Christensen. I really enjoyed it. Here's a little story with a deep message that Jarah shared with us last night:

One night a young idealist had a dream. He dreamed there was a new store in a nearby shopping mall. He went in and saw an angel behind a counter. Nervously, he asked what the shop sold.

"Everything your heart desires," replied the angel.

"Then I want peace on earth," exclaimed the idealist. "I want an end to famine, sorrow, and disease (and addictions*)."

"Just a moment," replied the angel. "You haven't understood. We don't sell the fruit here - only seeds."

*I added


  1. Love it! I had to come check out your blog--saw the title on someone's blog roll and was sure it would be a good one. I was right!

  2. Excellent parable.

    I like it! Very good story to add to other topics and discussions - definitively a keeper! Thanks.

    What's the course about?

  3. Love it. Love it. I will pass that on....

  4. I like this idea of the beads. I like the story too.
