Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Asked, I Received...Oh, Boy Did I Receive!

I've been praying for a changed heart and the desire to set time aside each day for scripture study. I now have my motivation: I was called and sustained as a Sunday school teacher for the 14 and 15 year olds. Now others are counting on me to do my scripture study. This year we are learning the Old Testament.

{In the LDS religion, members are called to do a certain job, in my case, as a teacher. No one gets paid. Even our Bishop and his counselors are volunteers, called into their positions. They may work a full-time week at their employment and put in as many hours for church service.}

I'm nervous. I have to stand up in front of others. I like going to church, but I dread getting ready for church. I dread finding clothes that fit. I dread the mirror. Hate the mirror. It reminds me of what I've done to myself. Now, I'll be standing in front of others trying to teach them, pretending I have confidence. Just smile ... everyone looks better when they smile, even the toothless. (At least they look friendlier with a smile).

This is out of my comfort zone. That's good. Growth comes from trying new things. This may be just what I need (the calling, not the spider).
No, this isn't me. I identify with her expression, though.


  1. Yea I've found I dislike the mirror and clothes in general too. It's hard, I know. Just think in a few months things will be better. I'm sure you'll do great at your new job! :)

  2. I'm sure you will be a great teacher for those kids!
