Tuesday, November 24, 2009

First Monthly Report

All numbers went down: lost 5 pounds, 0.7 BMI units, and 1 inch in belly fat. I'm a little more fit (in spite of my best efforts to sabotage).

wow. Not bad for just the small changes I've made (and for having the flu). It's been great. I see improvements in energy. I'm less hungry. I have LESS headaches. I sleep better. Oh, yeah, I haven't been craving soda. Eliminating soda wasn't on my mini-goal list...it just kinda happened.

Drinking water and Stop Eating after 7:30 P.M. (blog of those goals here ): Doing well. Great goals and very doable. I set the timer to drink water on average every 1.5 hours most days. I really have a hard time remembering to drink.

Thankful journal here: Doing that each night. Sometimes I'm in a bad mood and would rather leave it blank...but I do it anyway.

"Dancing" and walking 10 min. here and here: I'm able to "dance" almost each day and sometimes go longer than 10 min. I love it when the kids join in. The walking isn't going as well. I've only done it about 1/2 the time. I need to step up the effort.

Push-ups here: Keeping it up. I think I'm going to move it to the floor, though.

Jumping Rope here: Still doing it for one min each day. I can jump 30 sec without getting tangled. Not ready to show the video.

Adding 1 veg/1 fruit to breakfast here:Enjoying the smoothies each day! I have a handful of raw nuts with it. It's nice and quick while I get the kids ready for school.

So, yes, not BAAADuh. HOwEVER, I still eat junk, sugar, and convenience foods almost everyday. I so want to adopt better food choices for my family.

It's just ALL...THAT...COOKING! @@ Don't get me wrong, I like cooking, I just don't like doing it everyday three times a day ...especially cleaning up afterwards. It's very time-consuming (washing and chopping, prepping for this and that, etc). But , I have started hunting for menu ideas from blogs and am trying those out. The meals have to be something we (my family) all like...because I'm not cooking two separate meals: "mine" and "theirs"...except for my green smoothies...(they like them, but I feed my kids more food before school).

I heard/read someone say your life needs adjusting if you're too busy to eat and feed your family healthy meals. (sigh)

Here come the holidays: Thanksgiving, my son's birthday, Christmas, New Year's, and...my 41st birthday. Hopefully I'm "fitter by 41...and then fit by 42."


  1. Wow! You've done a great job this month. Don't beat yourself up over the eating habits not all changing at one time. It's hard to make a 180 degree turn in just one month, but you've done a great job in taking steps in the direction you want to go.

    I still eat junk sometimes. I make cookies. I eat chips. But just not everyday!

    This time of year for you sounds like it does for us. All of our birthdays fall between the end of August and the beginning of February! That's a lot of cake, celebrations and holidays!

  2. Hey, that is a solid first month. Gratz on dropping 5 lbs and on kicking soda-- something I really, really need to do.

  3. I love monthly reports. It's much better at showing progress than a week's time. And that is a really good month you had! Congrats!! :)

    Good luck with all the holidays and celebrations coming up! I'm sure you will keep kicking butt!

  4. Sounds like you're doing great! Congrats on being on track with your goals!

  5. Thank you! Happy Holidays!

    From, Gina (I'm on my hubby's computer)
